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не понимаю почему возникает эта проблема

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BuildDate: Fri Aug 09 04:10:24 2019

Time: 2020.9.10 00:42:43 [GTick=525,LGTicks=1,Duration=26]
PosCode: 0:0:0
CPUInfo: 4,2,4,0
Memory: 297299KB
PrivateMemory: 501428KB
Video: NVIDIA GeForce 940MX (8863), DX v4.9r904
Option: 1280x768__W0_H0A0K__
Scene: 0_0_0
Stat: 4
Replay: 0_1
WorldRaid: 0_0/0
ClientSocketClosed: 525
NPAuthSocketClosed: 0
Sev: 2_Sieghardt
VideoResources: 67 MB

Protocol: S_CHARACTER_SELECTION_INFO(1665, 1) <= S_LOGIN_RESULT(11, 1) <= C_LOGIN(47, 2) <= S_VERSION_CHECK(26, 3) <= C_VERSION(271, 4)

History: GetHairTexNameByColor <- User::UpdatePawnMeshContainerByHair <- User::UpdatePawnMeshContainer <- User::SetPawnResourceImpl <- User::SetPawnResource <- NConsoleWnd::PlaceLobbyCharacter <- NConsoleWnd::AddLobbyCharacterInfo <- NConsoleWnd::AddAllLobbyCharacter <- NConsoleWnd::DoCharacterSelectionInfo <- NConsoleWnd::Tick <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- CMainLoop::UpdateTheWorld <- MainLoop

Code [EXCEPTION_WRITE_VIOLATION  DataAddress:0x00000006]
Address [0x2045955D]
SegCs [0x0023]

Engine.dll [0x20000000] Offset [0x0045955D]




ребят помогите с этой ересью, как от  этого избавиться?  и что  тут написано?

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